Kingdom of Priests (Jeshurun Israel)!

Question: How and why do the Prophets of the Old Testament offer a critique of the practice of sacrifice as it had come to be carried out in their times (Micah 6:6-8) & Isaiah 1:11-17)?


Both refs. show how degraded had become the hearts and minds of the people of Israel!

The conclusion is shown in Mic. 6: 8; which is scattered all over the Bible, re. the lack of sincerity of Israel; and is summarised in Malachi!

Almighty God then tried to bring His Chosen People to full realisation, and Salvation, by sending Jesus to show them the error of their ways, (see the Parable of the Vineyard Owner, Matt. 21:33–46), and how bad it had developed; to the stage where they were being taught “that bad is good, and good is bad” (Isa. 5:20); by their Pharisaic teachers!

This was the prime reason that God sent Jesus to “the Jews first”; as he wanted them to become (as per His prophecy “a Kingdom of priests unto God” Exodus 19:6, 1Peter 2:9, Rev.1:6)!

When they rejected Jesus at the last attempt by Paul (Acts 28:25–28); the Salvation offer was made "Gentile first" and the Jews became Lo-Ammi; and when the number of Gentiles is “Full” (Romans 11:25–27), then the condition of the Jews (Lo-Ammi), will be reversed (Zech.12:10), and after the mourning period by the Jews; they will become “the Kingdom of Priests”; who will work worldwide under Jesus at His 2nd Advent!



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